J'ai reçu la jupe imperméable aujord'hui. C'est très jolie et je l'aime beaucoup. Merci bien.”
Helen D. (France)
I received the jackets today, they are spectacular! Have a nice trip and hopefully mine all sell out and I have to call you for more! Thank you again!”
Sudee F. (United States)
“The coat arrived; it's beautiful! I'm looking forward to many years of staying dry! Thanks!.”
Helen K. (United States)
I The coat arrived today. On a rainy day! Just in time to wear to the opera!”
Donna F. (United kingdom)
I Thank you so much for my lovely raincoat, it is even more beautiful than I remembered. The hood lining color is perfect and your art is bound to bring smiles on a rainy day.”
Gay C. (United States)
Ich denke oft und gerne an unser Treffen auf dem Tollwood zurück und bin froh, daß ich Sie persönlich kennenlernen durfte.Bitte enschuldigen Sie, daß ich mich erst jetzt bei Ihnen für den schönen Lebensbaum Mantel bedanke. Er ist wirklich wunderschön geworden!Für beide Mäntel habe ich schon viele Komplimente bekommen. Und das nicht nur von Freunden und Verwandten. Denn als ich den "Lebensbaum" kürzlich auf einem Markt trug, sprach mich eine Dame an und bewunderte ihn. Das gleiche passierte mir in der U-Bahn.Und beide Mäntel sind auch noch "gemütlich".”
Filomena W. (Germany)
I am very appreciative of your communication. Very impressed with your level of service and communication.”
Sid P. (United States)
I bought a blue/black bike poncho that snapped up the front you around 1997. I loved it and received so many compliments when wearing it. I was devasted to lose it this month in a an airport. No one turned it in to lost and found and I am not surprised. I decided to do an online search and am so excited to have found your website again. I am overwhelmed by the beautiful choices and will make a decisión to purchase soon.”
Suzette G. (United States)